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Saturday, 21 August 2010

Doh - a sense of reality

It was the strangest feeling as I walked out of the cinema after the amazing film that is 'Inception'. I get really involved in films so I got quite tense when it was all hanging in the balance and when the credits finally rolled I actually had to tell myself that I was in THE real reality and this was THE real bump back to it.

Yes it is, London, 11pm, Orange wednesday. Yes it is a reality that I cant escape from. I almost felt the burdens, which I had blanked for 2 1/2 odeon hours, load back on to my shoulders.

Then I had one of those 'wow' moments walking up my road and this will likely sound cheesy but hey ho. I thought; hang on one minute. This is reality - yes and it does seem rubbish sometimes - yes and sometimes I want to be in any dream world rather than this one - yes. BUT within this same reality (this earth) I can actually still experience the most amazing and uplifting reality ever: the reality of being able to know my Creator personally!

The film is well made with a clever plot and provokes the viewer to ask questions of the characters, the ending and the concepts it represents.

However I try to distract myself from reality I know deep down that none of these distractions last long, just like the dreams. I know that one minute spent in His presence is better than thousands elsewhere and I can  lay my burdens down there. If I know all this then why on earth do I forget and so often go everywhere else for comfort before God?!  Doh!

Is hope found in the worlds we create for ourselves or is it found in the harsh reality of the world we find ourselves in? This is the messed-up world that Jesus died for.

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